2016中国壁球公开赛 > 新闻 > 室内运动之王,复苏的城市运动——2016 中国壁球公开赛登陆魔都

室内运动之王,复苏的城市运动——2016 中国壁球公开赛登陆魔都


“老克勒”的腔调 Gentry's Charisma

Mei Lanfang holding a squash racquet


In the old time, squash was Shanghai gentry's favorite sports. The oldest squash club in China was also located in Shanghai named "Warrior Area".

名流最爱 Celebrities’Fave


As a Squash Amateur, Malaysian actress Tan Sri Michelle Yeoh Choo-Kheng also supported Squash to get into 2020 Olympics.


Hugh Jackman is one of the top 50 in America’s most intriguing, interesting and influential people in Squash.

壁球:室内运动之王 复苏的城市运动

Squash: King of Indoor Sports, City Sports Renaissance

值得庆祝的是,上海市民也获得越来越多的一睹世界顶尖壁球盛事的机会。2006年起,中国壁球公开赛落户上海;2014年,赛事升级为职业壁球巡回赛的重要战役,在面朝黄浦江的上海半岛酒店上演,外滩月下对决的盛况震撼所有观众。今年中国壁球公开赛重返上海外滩,当精英运动遇上这座精英云集的城市,作为精英之一的您又怎能错过现场见证的机会? Meanwhile, residents in Shanghai also get a chance to see the world top performance of squash competition. Since 2006, China Squash Open set its feet in Shanghai; in 2014, CSO has integrated into the national professional squash tournament tour and became one of the most furious battle stops. The battleground is at the Peninsula Shanghai, facing the Huangpu River. The month ending showdown at the Bund will shock all the audiences. China Squash Open has finally returned to the Bund in Shanghai this year, all elite sports players has gathered together in this city of elites. You, as one of the elite, please ask yourself: how can you miss this opportunity to become the first witness of this amazing scene at site?

上海半岛酒店于2009年开业,是香港上海大酒店集团在中国大陆的旗舰酒店。 上海半岛酒店雄踞历史悠久的外滩,直面黄浦江的潮起潮涌,是近几十年来外 滩上第一座新落成的建筑物。 上海半岛酒店分别荣膺美国《Travel + Leisure》 (悦旅)杂志读者投票评选为 “2015年亚洲最佳酒店”,并位列全球百强酒店第八 位; 美国《Condé Nast Traveler》(悦游) “大中华区第一名”。

Opened on the historic Bund riverfront in 2009, The Peninsula Shanghai is The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels flagship hotel in Mainland China. The first new building on the Bund in several decades, it was voted as 2015 Best City Hotel in Asia by the readers of influential US-based Travel + Leisure magazine and also ranked 2015 Number One Hotel in Greater China by the readers of Condé Nast Traveler (US).


"Stars On The Bund-China Squash Open 2014" has come up with the conceptualized first-ever idea of glass court, setting up on the 11th floor of the Peninsula Shanghai, facing directly to the Huangpu River, harvesting all the scenery of the Bund and beyond. Whether you are an athlete or a guest, you will be deeply intrigued by the feeling of infinite time and space perceived, at the very moment your sensation will be ultimately diffused into the profound meaning of life forever and ever after.


In 2016, China Squash Open has returned to the Peninsula Shanghai. The star light is still shining upon the Bund. Between the Huangpu River the waves tumbles over the rocks and pushed to the shores one after the other, new rivalry rises in the midst of all these.

赛事信息Tournament info.


外围赛 Qualifying:


August 30 - August 31, 2016

正式赛 Main Draw:


September 01 - September 04, 2016

比赛地点 Venue:

外围赛 Qualifying:


SECA Academy Pudong Centre


1089 Chuan Qiao Road (near Jin Yu Road), Pudong New District, City of Shanghai

正式赛 Main Draw:

上海半岛酒店 The Peninsula Shanghai


No. 32 The Bund, 32 Zhong Shan Dong Yi Road, Shanghai 200002
